Metal processing for agricultural machinery construction and engineering

You are a manufacturer or supplier of agricultural and farm machinery as well as other systems for the agriculture industry, seeking a high-performance, reliable partner for metal processing or component manufacturing with series production?

Schlote offers high-precision metal processing, the series production of castings and much more. Schlote is your partner of choice wherever metallic components need to be processed mechanically in the highest quality.

Complete metal processing solutions for agricultural machinery construction from one source

Schlote has specialised in the processing of work pieces made of many different materials, using proven as well as innovative technologies, and has comprehensive metal processing know-how. Our experience acquired over decades in series production for the automobile industry also benefits you directly as a manufacturer or system supplier for agricultural machinery construction and engineering. Schlote’s specialised metal processing knowledge is reflected by complex, modern manufacturing cells and production lines. Castings and forgings are the focus of production. We are increasingly relying on automated workflows, including integrated assembly processes. A high degree of automation guarantees optimal quality standards with corresponding process capabilities for our customers.


Metal processing and series production for the agricultural machinery industry

Contract processing and solution partner for agricultural machinery construction and engineering

In addition to the production and processing of these components, we are happy to serve as your development partner to meet your needs. Put our consulting expertise to use for your products, product optimisations and innovations in vehicle manufacturing and mechanical engineering. Schlote is happy to provide more than just contract manufacturing for you. We will gladly serve as your highly integrated supplier. Stable strategic partnerships form an ideal basis for overcoming local as well as global challenges.

With our integrative consulting services, for example, including prototype construction, series tools and foundry technology, we realise synergy effects that account for the perfection of our products. This is also and especially true for our core business, the mechanical processing of castings. Our technological finesse in fixture construction provides an ideal basis for highly efficient series production.

Metal processing in the highest quality and precision

Schlote consistently uses the latest production methods, modular manufacturing concepts and fully automated production facilities. High quality standards, engagement and innovation are reflected among other things by ISO/TS16949 certification according to automobile industry requirements as well as DIN EN ISO 14001 for environmental protection.

Andreas Hornkamp Leiter Key-Account

Schlote Holding GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 1
31177 Harsum

+ 49 (0) 5127 / 971- 0

Industrial Technology Solutions

Are you interested in industrial solutions and services outside of medium and large series production?

Industrial Technology Solutions

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